The reviews are in…

  • "Josh Sable's presentation was great fun - a combination of clever content, personal anecdotes and practical programming tips that inspired all who attended. We hope he can return next summer!"

    — Jonny Lightman, Associate Director, Camp Walden

  • "Josh prepared our staff for some of the challenging situations they’re likely to find themselves in while at camp. His engaging and entertaining style was well received – and we look forward to welcoming him back again soon!"

    — Jonny Lipczer, Program Director, Camp Moshava

  • "Josh’s session was incredibly valuable and useful. I would DEFINITELY want to hear him speak again. I’m feeling inspired."

    — Anonymous, Associated Hebrew School

  • "The staff had nothing but great things to say about your sessions. Your energy & passion is contagious. The tips & tools that you shared are no doubt going to be used over and over again this summer. The only complaint I heard was that your session wasn't long enough!"

    — Roz Llewellyn, Recreation Program Supervisor, City of Orillia Parks and Recreation

What everyone's saying...

  • “Josh Sable's presentation was great fun - a combination of clever content, personal anecdotes and practical programming tips that inspired all who attended. We hope he can return next summer!"

    — Jonny Lightman, Past-Associate Director Camp Walden

  • "It was invaluable having you at camp. Your keynote was tremendously entertaining; yet it also managed to bring home many universal camp lessons. You made over an hour feel like only five minutes and it was enjoyed thoroughly by all.”

    — Ryan Peters, Program Director, Camp Kadimah

  • “This session was highly engaging and taught productive team building and relationship building activities. Josh was relatable, upbeat and the epitome of positive energy. It would be wonderful to have him return for a variety of PD opportunities.”

    — Anonymous, Associated Hebrew Schools

  • "Thank you for a highly engaging and purposeful PD this morning. Everyone was talking about your session in such a positive and meaningful way for the remainder of the day. Though the other sessions were good, it was tough to reach the same level of participation and practical applications to walk away with. You were amazing. You should know that the teachers who are also current and past parents of CHAT students were discussing how disappointed they were that their children were not able to have you as a teacher. You are obviously one of those very memorable and special educators. It was even suggested that it would be amazing to have you as an administrator for our school. We should be so lucky!"

    — Jodie Fox, Teacher, Associated Hebrew Schools

  • "It was great having you at camp. We could really tell how much the staff adore you and respect you. We were thrilled that you were able to relay a message to our staff that was both inspirational and attainable. You connected with our staff in a way that no previous guest we have had has before. Your keynote was tremendously entertaining; yet it also managed to bring home many universal camp lessons. You made the hour feel like only five minutes and it was enjoyed thoroughly by all. And thank you for letting us pick your brain about things that have been less than perfect at camp over the past few years. You were very creative, quick-thinking, and you learned names miraculously quick! Hope to have you back soon!"

    — Jared Goldlust, Director, Camp Kadimah

  • "Josh came to Camp Northland to help run several sessions for our staff pre-camp. Josh was dynamic, engaging, hilarious and incredibly professional. Josh's stories and anecdotes connect with new and old staff members in a way that very few trainers are able to do. As a direct result of Josh's expertise, I am confident that our staff will make better decisions, be better counsellors and offer our campers an even better summer experience. I would extend an unqualified recommendation to any camp looking to raise the level of staff training, expectations, leadership and creativity to seek out a session with Josh at the first opportunity."

    — Simon Wolle, Director, Camp Northland

  • "While introducing himself, Josh reminded us that when participating in any professional development opportunity, to always identify at least 1 practical tool we can take back to our work life. Keeping this in mind throughout the session, I can confidently say my "toolbox" has been filled with wonderful team building, confidence boosting, and leadership development activities that I can share with my department and the students we work with. Josh's upbeat presence and hilarious sense of humour allowed us all to let down our guard, leave our comfort zones, and get to each other in a fun and engaging way!"

    — Elyse Wieskopf, Director of Hillel Ryerson

  • "Josh's team building workshop was the first I have ever done where people actually felt closer as a team as a result! Josh was incredibly engaging and the diversity of programs ensured that everyone enjoyed something. We would definitely bring Josh back to do more work with us!"

    — Zach Sadowski, Director of Operations, Hillel Ontario